Saturday, October 25, 2008

Kemp on Tenure

Before I applied to TTU, I researched the faculty there.  During that same time, I had no access to databases, so I could not read some of the proprietary articles without having to pay serious money.  Since I have been working at HSU, it is possible for me to locate and read many, many more of their texts.

Last night I located Fred Kemp's Zen and the Art of Tenure.  Fun stuff, and it has that Kempian tone which is often on the WPA-list.  I wasn't sure if he'd transfer it into his professional publications, but he has.  That said,  here is a choice quote:

I was able to acquire tenure under fairly demanding circumstances because of a
principle that I've adhered to unrelentingly: maintain quality of effort; sheer, fanatical
persistence; and a conscious discretion and technological Uncle-Tomism and you will
overcome nearly all departmental prejudices, especially because the society itself is
becoming our best ally (113).

I am still putting together my response/summary--another habit I want to solidify before I get into the program--and it should be fun to write.

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