Thursday, January 8, 2009

B&H notes

These are notes for my own use. They are reminders, refreshers, or things I have never bothered to clarify until now. Or they are simply notes.

Epistemology: ways of knowing; nature of knowledge; way people acquire knowledge

Dialectic: practice of inquiry & argumentation through conversation/Q&A (Aristotle)

Parturition: process of giving birth

Classical: Greeks to 400 CE
Medieval: to 1400 CE
Ren: to 1700
Enlightenment: late 17th to 18th cent
19th: obvious
Modern & Post-Modern (isn't it hubristic to believe that we can accomplish two very different forms of rhetoric in less than one century? Perhaps these forms will not be seen as so different in a couple centuries.)

Rhetoric: largely prescriptive & not a form of inquiry (B&H 2)
Rhetorical theory seeks to penetrate the complexities of communication & persuasion.

Classical Rhetoric has 3 kinds of public speech:
1. Legal/forensic: regards the past, courts, judgment
2. Deliberative/political: to persuade for future; legislation
3. Ceremonial/ epideictic: to strengthen beliefs about the present; address public

Speech Prep 5 Steps

Topoi: stock formulas in which arguments can be cast

Syllogism: form of deductive reasoning: major premise, minor premise, conclusion that results


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