Saturday, June 13, 2009

Foucault & Open Source

Read Foucault today--first chunks of History of Sexuality. It is easier and more engaging than I thought, and it takes a different tone than I recalled. This will be way more fun than I remembered Foucault being.

Talked to Caleb Cypher, better said I learned from him, at Mosgo's about open source and complexity theory. Good stuff. Reloaded the Ubuntu 9.04 on my Eee I was so persuaded. I hope to upload the Open Solaris system on my laptop here in the next couple days. Some brilliant ideas and approaches to computing. I think I finally have a bit of a handle on the value of open source. Plus I saw how blazing fast linux is to the Windows OS on the Eee. Wow. That's all I can say.

I am really excited about what this can potentially mean, especially from what little I understand about the ZFS file management system. I barely got a grip today, but it sounds great. Plus, there's a lot for me to still learn about complexity theory and systems thinking. Solid stuff!

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