Sunday, August 30, 2009

5371 Durack Reading Notes

Durack, Katherine T.
Gender, Technology, and the History of Technical Communication

publication as ideational performance

definition tells us what tc is
1. close relationship to technology
2. associated w/work & workplace--not gender neutral terms tho oft represented as such

emphasis often on agency or products: both have need to establish signficance
two assumptions need challenged:
1. women not significant originators of tech/sci/med docs
2. women's tools not sufficient/important enough to study

multiple references to Stanley's work & the obfuscation/cooption of women's work

history often ignores technology of daily life

industrialization split home from work--recentered heart of production
women often accepted as users of machines but not the repairers of machines

focus on workplace writing--one geographic place over another--disempowering to an entire collection of sites where writing takes place

many contributions made outside of workplace

Definition revision
1. TW exists in gov't & industry as well as intersection between private/public spheres
2. TW has a close relationship to technology (knolwedge, actions, tools)
3. TW seeks to make tacit knowledge explicit

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