Saturday, August 29, 2009

Rickly Hughes Hayhoe Ch 1-3 notes

Summary on pg 16

research should inform practical decisions
avoid abstraction wars--free for alls-by requiring specific supporting proof

action science: building a ladder of inference
research: linking actions, decision, or advocacy to observable data
research: systematic collection and analysis of observations fo rthe purpose of creating new knowledge that can inform actions and decision

traits of research: systematic; collection & analysis of data; creates new knowledge; informs actions & decisions

concept of research carries assumption that knowledge created is applicable at generalized level and repeatable multiple times

"research must ultimately articulate generalized truths from specific instrances"

Scientific Method: observation; hypothesis; prediction; experiment

research goals filter design & interpretation of research & data

kinds of research goals: theoretical; empirical; intepretivist; PoMO; developmental; evaluative

Research Methods: quant, qual, critical theory; lit review; mixed methods

sources of research: industry; academy; prof. societies; gov't

hierarchies of publications: open -> editor -> refereed

Ch 2
(no summary at end)

Structure of Research Report
statement of research problem: gives background, goals for this spec. research, research ?

Phases of Research Project
ID R goal; form research ?; review lit; design study; get approvals; collect data; analyze data; report results
review of lit: established scope of prior research; educate reader; ground researcher's premises in data
description of methodology:
name method: quant, qual, crit theory, lit review, mixed metho
describe data collection
describe sample & sample selection process
describe data analysis tech
analysis of data

Defining Goal & Research Questions 31-34
Ideas from Lit: can research be updated/ narrowed/ broadened; challenged
Ideas from Real-life problems

Ch 3
Summary on 54
Reviewing the Lit

primary research: formulating & testing hypothesis
secondary: draw on previous reports/research

Purpose of lit review: discover what's been done; ID gaps in research; educate readers; establish credibility

conducting the lit review
Gather sources
describe & evaluate sources--both should be in the LR
descrip has all essential info about book & be 100-250 words
evaluative 50-100 words

AB is a list of sources on topic
LR prepared for an audience; often part of research section of paper

preparing LR: define purpose & audience; organize effectively; determine appropriate detail level

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